Monday, April 14, 2014

SPCA Monthly Social - April 17, 2014

SPCA Monthly Social - April 17th; 6:30pm
Host/Hostess: Brenda Gischell & Jim Cole - 801 Bruck Street

SPCA MonthlySocials are held the third Thursday of the month beginning at 6:30pm - HOST/HOSTESS provide plates, utensils, glasses, cups, napkins and some beverages. Neighbors are encouraged to bring a side dish and beverage to share. Please feel free to invite others in the Schumacher Place Neighborhood not receiving this e-mail.

SPCA Meeting Tuesday, april 15th, 2014 at 6:30PM - 8:00PM

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Every day we get just a little bit older. And that is a good thing. The challenge many of us face is how to remain in our homes in Schumacher Place that we have known and loved for years. Please join our membership meeting on Tuesday, April 15, 6:30-8:00pm at Plank's Cafe, 743 Parsons Avenue, to hear from Village Connections. "Village Connections is an urban, community based non-profit organization that empowers members to lead an active and engaged lifestyle in their own homes as they age." Village Connections serves the neighborhoods of German Village, Schumacher Place, Merion Village, The Brewery District and Downtown Columbus.


 In addition we will cover topical neighborhood and association related news. All are welcome.