Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Schumacher Days Events

Participate in Schumacher Days Events!
September 16, 2012, Noon to 4 PM
This is the second in a series of five announcements about the art- and history-related activities of Schumacher Days.  Each announcement tells you what to expect when you arrive on the 16th and provides you opportunity to contribute to its success in advance.  Remember, most of you ARE SPCA and we can not pull this off without you.  If you are willing and able, step up and help us carry out the activity.  Every little bit of pre-activity participation will add up to a great event for all.  Otherwise, come and have fun!  Participating either way is fine by us!

If the Walls Could Talk:  The Histories of Our Homes
 Location:  Fence at the intersection of Forest and Beech Streets
At the event…
1)  Read the postings about the homes of Schumacher Place and beyond.   2)  In the white space around other postings, using the ‘voice’ of your home, apartment, or other abode, write a short story, a poem, or  a single phrase about events that you know occurred there—either current or long ago.  3)   If you want to post a photo of your home too, you can post it later today or  until September 20.  4)  2PM-3PM:  Visit with a stately gentleman at the site about history of homes in the area and historical events.
Before the event…
Prepare to post!  This is an opportunity to research the history of your home.  Phil Winkelmann,  philwinkelmann@hotmail.com, is willing to provide you with some direction for use of the library.  Or, prepare to write down snippets about life in your abode now or that you have learned through time.  If you need some examples or don’t quite get ‘voice’, below are some examples about the walls of 799 Beech Street. 

There’s a poet on my porch!  I see food I remember my former owners making.  And, people are dancing in my driveway with paint on their feet!   What a weird day!
September 16, 2012

I believe it was the spring of 1987.  Mike had just purchased me.  When he wasn’t home his fellow graduate students surprised him by bringing a portable hot tub to the driveway, a Subway multi-foot sandwich and plenty of beer!  I recall he had a lot of cleaning me up the next day.  And a good time was had by all!

It was so good to see the old man that once played with me!  He came to a garage sale Mike was having.  As he toured my updated ‘innards’, he regaled Mike with his childhood stories, all of which I recall well.  When he played hide-and-seek with his sisters, he would hide in the top shelf of a closet Mike tore out during a remodel.  Those were good times for me.
The 1930s and 40s

If you want, prepare a picture to post along with your statements.  And FYI, as many of you already know, Gary Stroud, gstroud8801@aol.com or stroudg@franklin.edu, is collecting statements and will post for you if you prefer.  Send him your statements, your address, and a photo of your home (optional) and they will get posted before noon on the 16th.   This display will also be set up at the Schumacher Days Potluck Social, September 20th.

Schumacher Days 2012:  Exploring Art, Embracing History
& Celebrating the Civic Contributions of Schumacher Place Residents
September 16 – 20, 2012

Let us give thanks to our sponsors now and when you visit their businesses or organizations.

Hey Hey Bar and Grill
Greater Columbus Arts Council Franklin County Neighborhood Arts program
Schmidt’s Sausage Haus
Members of Schumacher Place Civic Association

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